Typing games are a great way to make learning to type easier and more fun!
Playing typing games will also discourage you from looking down at the keyboard while encouraging you to spend more time practicing and improving your typing skills. It's a win-win!
Difficulty Level: Easy to Difficult
Instructions: How fast can you type the flags of the world? Compete with other typers to see if you're the fastest!
Features a wide range of difficulties - from a beginner of 10 easy flags to a legendary master of all flags.
Also features a "Big Brain" mode with no textual or spelling hints.
Difficulty Level: Easy
Instructions: How fast can you type pi? Compete with other typers to see if you're the fastest!
Multiple different lengths - from an easy 15 digits to a legendary 1,000 digits!
Also features a "Big Brain" mode with the digits hidden...do you have pi memorized yet?
Difficulty Level: Easy
Instructions: Challenge your friends and other typers in a race to the finish! The faster you type the faster your car will speed.
Win coins!
Buy cool new cars and upgrades!
Compete for a spot on the high score board!
Difficulty Level: Easy
Instructions: Challenge your best score as you race to type all letters A-Z as fast as you can! Try it once and you'll be hooked on this very fun and extremely addicting typing game.
Despite it's simplicity, this game is a also a fantastic way to practice your typing skills, especially for all of the rarely-used keys. Use it as a fun way to take a break from the monotony of tedius typing lessons. It's also a great way to boost your typing speed.
Difficulty Level: Moderate to Difficult
Instructions: Type as many different words as you can that start with the random three starting letters, adding endings (-s, -ed, -ing, -er, -ers, -ness, -nesses) for more words. The faster you type and the longer the word, the more points you get. Each perfectly typed correct word increases the point multiplier, but one mistype resets it.
This typing game is bit more challenging than most, but that's what makes it fun! Your score is not only exponentially affected by typing speed but also by typing accuracy. As a bonus, not only will you improve your typing skills but your vocabulary skills as well.